Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/04/04

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Subject: [Leica] Re: seeking M6 lens opinions/ 35mm 1.4 nonasph
From: (D.Saylan)
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 13:06:15 +0200

Hello Hans,

it is a pleasure to correspondent to you. I came to LUG through your
Well, back to business. As you can imagine, as a photojournalist you are
oftern closer to your objekt then you might have thougt. And in former
times Robert Capa already said: If the picture isn´t good, you wasn´t
close enough. I like to work with wide angle lenses and you can do a lot
with your 35 mm when you have the right position. Just a few weeks ago,
a newspaper too a photograph from me, where I took some flowers in front
of a known building of that area. I´ve made the photo with the 35mm, the
flowers were just 20 cm in front of the lens, aperture 16 and they took
about 70% of the image. I laid the camera on the gras, so the
perspective was as the flowers were huge like trees. I couldn´t get the
image like this, if the focusing just goes to one meter. Also by
reportage, I like to get as close as I can. 80 % of my pictures were
made with the 21mm and 35mm. A friend and very good colleague from
Bilderberg, Joel Assiag, does war reportage with the 35mm and 24mm. The
pictures do not need any capure, are full format covered with the
happening. THAT is close to the subject.

Hope to give you the answer.

By the way, my webside isn´t ready yet, but you can see some pictures
from me at

Most of the showed picutes and all of the New York picures are made with
the 35mm and are full format prints with no capture.


Deniz Saylan