Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/03/09

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Subject: RE: [Leica] M6 ttl and older lenses...
From: Jeremy Kime <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 14:13:23 -0000


the early Summarons between 1954 and 1956 were made like this (I have one
myself) as you say the M3 didn't have any 35mm frame lines, the M2 wasn't
then 'born' and so the lens was made to key in the widest frame then
available on the M3, ie. 50mm. 
Later the goggles/specs/RF version became available (1956) and then the M2
which didn't require attachments for 35mm lenses.
Yes, I believe a large number of these lenses have been altered to key in
the 35mm frames. The impossible modification is to add metal to the keying
'cam' rather than filing it away! You might even have a rarer version of
this lens because it hasn't been modified!

Regrading the stiff lens mount of the 90 Elmar, this is not unknown either,
I had a 135 Hektor which was so stiff on one of my father's Leicas, he tried
to grab his camera back to prevent any damage! I'm not sure why there should
be these occassional discrepancies between some lenses and some cameras,
poor adherance to manufacturing tolerances I guess. A miniscule amount of
grease might help but I suspect that if you plan on long term use of that
lens with that camera then it would be wise to send them both to Leica
(under the warranty) and get them to fix it. You might wish to get them to
check the optical qualities of the lens at the same time.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Joao Ranito []
> Dear LUG'ers:
> I扉e bought a brand new M6 ttl (my first Leica first-hand buy! wow!)and
> tried my old 35/3.5 Summaron on it. It didnt't activate the 35 mm frame.
> Is
> this normal (my Summaron is from the 50's and the M3 didn愒 have frames
> for
> the 35mm focal length, so, maybe...) or I may have a problem with the
> lens?
> Is it possible that a clever technician could file
> the Summaron's ring to get the frames to appear 
> I also noticed that my 90/4 Elmar (again from the 50愀) locks in VERY
> tightly (I mean, I almost have to force it!). Brings up 90 frames, though.
> Never needed to force on the M3. Could it be that today愀 tolerances are
> tighter (or maybe the 50愀 tolerances were tighter!)?
> Thnks in advance for any information.
> Joao