Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/02/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] return of the LUG police ?(was: Leica lenses)
From: Alan Ball <>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 17:08:45 +0100

Eric Welch wrote:
> You are correct. We need to be polite, and be considerate of other people's
> feelings. But how many of those "victims" you characterize come in here
> telling us we Leica people are a bunch of elitist snobs who wouldn't know
> the difference between a good and great lens. They come in with big sticks
> on their shoulders just daring us to knock them off. Some people come in
> sounding like the Monty Python skit "Yes it is, not it isn't. Yes it is, no
> it isn't. Is, isn't."

I would not be able to find a way to disagree here, if your
representation was true to the facts. The problem is that the
individuals that get hit on the head do not always start off with such
statements. They often seem to feed their animosity on 'our' very
categoric reactions. Please remember that you have been posting here and
elsewhere for years. Things that seem obvious to you now were not
obvious to you back "then" ;-)

The list's oldtimers (not thinking of age here) should accept the fact
that the same questions will keep on rising forever and that the world
'outside' also has forums and very capable people with very different
opinions to 'ours'.

It is not illegitimate for an individual to have categoric opinions that
are different to your categoric opinions when he or she lands in
LUGland. We all slowly adapt to each other. Even you and I can have
civilized exchanges. At times ;-)

> For example, how often am I told, indirectly, that I don't know what I'm
> talking about because I'm stupid enough to invest in R equipment when Nikon
> and Canon are the only real alternatives 

I never thought you were stupid investing in R equipment. Just plain
crazy !

> I already welcomed you to that group, by the way - the stupid R buyers... :-)

I enjoy that stupidity a lot. But it has no end, especially when one
only has very average revenue. In those conditions, a mental institution
might be the way to go. I would never advise a friend to spend his money
the way I do on that F*&@รน! system... 

> Sectarian behavior is one thing, plain rudeness is another. We don't need
> either.


Friendly regards,