Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/19
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Dan Post wrote: <<Guys- I need help- anyone receiving my posts with +ACE+ and similar strings in place of common punctuation, let me know. I use WIN98 and Outlook Express, going through Microsoft Network. I have my 'send' parameters set to plain text, MIME and no encoding. Any help will be appreciated. MS cannot figure out what the problem might be. Send messages and flames privately at dwpost 'at' in case the returnb address below is garbled. Thanks Dan>> Dan: Almost every post I get from you has that embedded in it somewhere. I think it is rather enduring - you know, a "Dan Post" trademark :-) I think it "might" be coming from formatting characters. It seems to show up in sentences when you are making a point. I'll try to find an example in my archives. In the mean time, are you using bold or underlining in your text? - Just an idea. Best, Rick