Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/19
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]> If you're interested, the URL for this tip is: > > > > It seems to be a great general trick for making selections. Hallo, Photoshop-Users, I扉 had a look at this tip and I find it not very transparent to the user. I惻l show you my way, to produce a fill-in-flash: (without owning a M6TTL!) 1) Make a COPY of the whole picture 2) Generate a new ALPHA-Channel 3) PASTE your COPY in this channel, it will turn to B&W 4) INVERT the channel 5) Make a GAUSSIAN-BLUR 6) Correct this channel in MASKING-MODE, if needed 7) CREATE a GRADIENT-LAYER 8) The menu of the GRADIANT-LAYER will show you a white frame. 9) COPY your ALPHA-CHANNEL to this white frame, which is a new (white) ALPHA-CHANNEL 10) Lighten-up your shadows in the GRADIENT-LAYER 11) If you switch off this layer, you will see your original, situated on the basic-layer 12) Save your file in PHOTOSHOP-Format. Make a copy as TIF or EPS, to import it in a layout-program If you want to make changes, open the PHOTOSHOP-Format and correct your GRADIANT-LAYER, or your ALPHA-CHANNEL. I find this way much more transparent to the user. It will not destroy your original scan. Ulrich Schroeder