Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/03
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]George Huczek <> wrote: [an excellent post on LUG netiquette, that included admonitions to please post in plain text format instead of MIME, and to *not* post binaries]... Thank you, George, for an *excellent* description of proper netiquette, not only for the LUG but for most mailing lists. As an internet and email user since 1986 (back when it was usenet), I can confirm that your suggestions are very much in accord with established precedent and custom. Thanks, Alexey .......................................................................... Alexey Merz | URL: | email: | PGP public key: | voice:503/494-6840 | ...A democracy becomes hopelessly weak. and the general good | suffers accordingly, if its higher officials, bred up to | despise it, and necessarily drawn from those very classes | the dominance of which it is pledged to destroy, serve it | only half-heartedly.... - Marc Bloch, 1940