Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/01/03
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Dan: I didn't know that you were a scotch lover. I never acquired a taste for scotch until I tried McCallans 18. It was great until I was given a bottle of McCallans 25 and I sipped on it for a whole year. I can't justify the price of it but the memory of the taste is just like it's in my hand heading for my mouth. I'll buy a bottle if you will share it with me....twist your arm? Bob << > I have a feeling that we'll still be thrashing out our differences well > into > the new millennium. If I may, it is similar to the opinions held by lovers > of single malts- I prefer Glennfiddich because it is to me one of the > lighter, more airy single malts, but I am sure there are some who would > consider me a philistine, and a closet consumer of blended Scots whisky! > Heck yeah! and I like a Scotch Collins once in a while too!) > > Dan > > >>