Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/12/31
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hello, Doctor. As to inflammable topics, you OBVIOUSLY missed my thread criticizing MDs, didn't you? That brought more wrath than ANY camera post.......all in good humor, though, or was it? Almost like the results you get when you use the term lawyer/doctor, as if they were the same!!! (or not?) All in good humor, of course (?) Walt On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Dr James Harper wrote: > In the interests of research, I have been trying to imagine what would be > the most inflammable on-topic message one might send to the Lug. No > offence meant - just for a laugh to get the last year of the Millenium > under way with the right amount of creative irony. The Lug is evidence > that civilisation has not yet gone away, however small it may have become. > > > Here is a first offering. > > <Dear Luggers, > > I have just found this site, and I hope you can help me with some problems. > > a] I was told that the Noctilux was the ultimate Leica lens, but I find > mine (black version) hopeless for pictures with my Cobra flash gun. There > is nothing wrong with the flashgun - I am sure of this because it worked > excellently on my Canon. Has anyone else experienced over-exposure with > this lens? There may be a fault with the diaphragm? Should I be using a > Leica flashgun? Would a chrome Noctilux be as prone to this as a black > one? > > b] I originally wanted a Leica reflex camera like my Canons, Nikons and > Praktica (the best at F1.3 I ever had) but people said that they were not > very sharp unless you used them on a weighted tripod. Is this because > Leica get all their R lenses made by Japanese sub-contractors? Has anyone > managed to get sharp pictures with a Leica reflex camera? How did you do > it? What is the secret? My Yashica T4 pictures look to me as good as any > Leica reflex pictures. Someone said that its lens was made by Leica, but > that they wanted to keep quiet about it. Has anyone done a test chart > comparison between the T4 and the R range? > > c] I started with an M1, but focusing problems put me off that and after > an M2, M3, M4 and M5, I settled on an M6 (0.72). But I still felt that I > had wasted my money, and tried an M6HM. Same problem - bubbles > everywhere. I think that a decent manufacturer would spot bubbles in the > body covering. Some of them were even in the lenses, which is > unforgiveable, surely. > > d] The Japanese etc are obviously about to produce cheap rangefinder > bodies for us to use Leica lenses on. I would certainly go for a cheap > single-use body so that I could buy more Leica lenses. But what are the > non-Leica lenses which Luggers would recommend to be used in this case? > This would should surely make Leica photography an aspiration for > everyone. Are Leica sufficiently worried about everything? > > Yours submissively, especially to the Old Codgers. > > JH. > > > > Now come on Guys, Fellas, Chaps, Blokes, etc., surely you can do better. > There are some very witty, literate and poetic people out there. > > Best wishes, in anticipation. > > JH >