Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/12/23
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Buzz wrote: > I am truly astonished at the response to my modest post. My >intention was to take a poke at the waxing level of elitism on the LUG, and >it must have touched a nerve in some quarters. As I detect it, many LUG >members do use the term "happy-snaps" as a simple moniker for what many of >us do much of the time. >>>>>>>>> Hi Buzz, It truly touched a chord in me simply because I always use the term with great affection, as taking "Happy Snaps" is a pure form of R&R with relaxation for me and I enjoy just plinking around with the camera having fun. Some people think that's how I work also. :) As usual I probably "over reacted" :) So no personal offense intended <<<<I also detect that others use it to denigrate less accomplished, experienced, and equipped photographers.>>>>>>> These are the ones that really get to me when they use the term in a derogatory manner, as putting down another photographer whether a beginner or a snarly old vet doesn't make anybody feel good. Worst of all it can turn a person away from photography all together, simply because they have "been put down " for their lack of experience or gear. The true meaning of "Happy Snaps" is forgotten by those making negative comments. We all started at the beginning and were just as simple minded as one can get about the magic of photography, nor did many of us start out with a Leica in hand. So for anyone to put another down for lack of knowledge just puts me right off. I suppose that's what got me so all fired-up in my post. >At the end of the day, Ted, I have to agree foremost with your oft-stated >opinion, "...just grab your camera and go take pictures!" This is perhaps >the most profound observation to appear on the LUG and I for one should >follow your advice more than I do.>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you most sincerely. And when I say that, "just grab your camera and go take pictures!" I mean it, simply because that's the most interesting fun time we have in owning a camera and being photographer's. :) I get some testy at times because I love this magic of photography with such great passion, probably more so than I should show at times. But it's something very special in my life, it is my life! Simply because my photography is the one thing no one can take away from me and it truly is my own. To you and your family the best of Christmas. May you have many satisfying Happy Snaps throughout the New Year. :) ted Ted Grant This is Our Work. The Legacy of Sir William Osler.