Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/12/22

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Subject: [Leica] What's a good light meter?
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:13:43 -1000

Hello --

I'm returning to M-Leica use after some years away. I'll soon have an M6,
but I also have an M2.

I onced had a MR-4 meter (on an M3) and never liked it because it was
awkward to use, ugly on the camera and if I remember right, lacking enough
low-light sensitivity. My  prehistoric Soligor 1-degree spotmeter hasn't
survived 15 years of non-use.

So I'm shopping for a light meter, primarily for non-flash use, primarily
with an M2 and 35mm lens. Years ago, Leica people used to recommend Luna
Pro meters a lot. I see all kinds of meters out there now. Spot meters are
nice, but I'm interest in compact size.

Anybody have any suggestions? Haven't found a Web site where meters are
compared by actual users, unfortunately.


Ernest Murphy