Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/12/01
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Ted, >>I had a fabulous position, great salary, a private secretary and a language >>teacher at one time for 13 months, completely off the wall nice job. >>However, every day I looked out the window and asked why myself why I was >>there. What satisfaction was there in dictating a dozen letter a day, >>attending boring meetings, (man that's when you really find out how many >>stupid executives there are)! I started and finished at the same time, ate >>lunch at the same time, had weekends off, my own executive parking spot. maybe you remember that I used to work for a company in South Carolina for a year. Financially I was MUCH better off than I惴 now, working in Germany again (Note : this has nothing to do with Germany vs. the US, but with that specific job). The problem was that I came home everyday with the feeling that I didn愒 really accomplish anything. Actually sometimes I thought that it would have better to lie at the pool all day than squander time in useless meetings. Back at my old job, earning less money thanks to German tax rates :-( , I惴 a lot happier. Carsten