Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/06/02
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]bentua wrote: > > I'm considering getting a 50 Noctilux to use as a general-purpose lens, > for when I want to carry only one lens and body. I would like to > solicit comments about this. I've heard it's a great performer at the > wide-open apertures, but how is it at the other apertures, in brighter > light? I can see it's a huge lens, so how does it handle? IMHO, Noctilux is a special purpose lens for low-light situations, and where paper-thin depth of field is desired. Besides its weight and bulk, its optical performance will not be that of Summicron at the same aparture. I would consider a Summicron 50mm or 35mm to be a more appropriate "general-purpose" lens. - -- Ken Iisaka モルガンスタンレ・踉殺苳孜券会��� Morgan Stanley Japan, Limited ��霾鶺蚕冑堯 “唳� 健