Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/02/01

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Subject: R: [Leica] M6 0.85 Announcement
From: "Guido Ridoli" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 15:35:06 +0100

|Maybe you are right, but Leica intends this camera as a
complement of
|the current M6. So for 28 or even 35mm you can use the
current one, I
|think the new one will soon became a "must" for the M fast
lenses longer
|than 50mm. I'm personally planning to buy one for my coming
|75.Until this announcement became public I thought to buy
an M3 to go
|with the Summi 75, but the new .85  has the built in
meter:much more
|comfortable! (I still think to get an M3 sooner or later,
but mainly for
|historical reasons). I can say the new .85 is the camera I
was waiting

Sto leggendo oggi delle e-mail dei giorni scorsi (ero
presissimo) e vedo con piacere che la "malattia" e'
piuttosto grave anche nel tuo caso...
Inutile dirti che se hai intenzione di comperare una M6 0,85
negli States nel prossimo futuro fammi sapere che potemmo
fare il bis....
Leicashop ha una M3 chrome DS (il must e' DS) del 1956 B/A
$1250, un summilux 75 prima versione 1980 A-  $1900....nel
caso avessi  vinto il superenalotto...
          Guido Ridoli
    LEICA M  superfan