Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1997/01/22

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Subject: Leicameter MR-4
From: (Patrick Sobalvarro)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 04:02:13 -0500

   Date: 08:25 PM 1/20/97 -0500

   There are NO meters engraved 'MR-4'.  All of these, whether MR or MR-4, were
   simply engraved, 'MR'.  Or, at least, Leica did not so distinguish them
   (same catalogue number), nor does any of the literature indicate that any
   were engraved 'MR-4'.  And I've never seen such or heard of one so engraved.
   And I've seen what is probably the largest meter collection in the world
   (Dan Black's) and have discussed these meters with the owner of what is
   probably the second largest, General Moss.
Marc and Ben, I stand corrected on this -- because I had bought a
meter that said "Leicameter MR" on it, and it was different from other
meters that said "Leicameter MR" on them (because mine's an MR-4), and
I have this manual that says there's a Leicameter MR and a Leicameter
MR-4, but they're identical, I assumed that I had an MR, because it
says MR on it, and the MR-4 must say "MR-4" on it.  But as you pointed
out, I was wrong -- there weren't meters that said "MR-4" on them that
were MR-4's, but there were meters that said "MR" on them that were
not MR's, but MR-4's.

The ways of Wetzlar are indeed subtle!

- -Patrick