Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1997/01/07
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hi, I have an M6 not long ago, and recently, I was shooting with my 50/2 Summicron at a well lighted nightclub with T-Max 3200. The red led arrows seemed to suggest me more light (One arrow facing right >), but as soon as I turned the aperture ring to the right, the arrow dissappeared. I continued turning until f/2, and didn愒 see any arrow again. I turned the speed dial again and again until 1 sec and nothing happened. I then turned the film speed to 6400 and still nothing happened. Even if I am and will always be an amateur, I could swear that in darker situations and with a modern SLR, f/2, 1 second exposure at 6400 ASA would have been more than enough. With my LEICA it seemed to be NOT enough. Which makes me suspect of the meter. Is this the normal behaviour when the meter cannot measure the available light? If so, I would get very disappointed because as I said, there was enough light I think for modern SLR愀 to at least predict the correct exposure. Maybe I should start thinking seriously of investing in a sensitive meter. But again, the M6 was supposed to be a serious investment. Thanks to anyone that can throw some light into this, even if my Leica meter can愒 catch it. Nico.