Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/12/09

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Subject: To finish with the Ben Holmes - Nicolas Levinton controversy
From: "Nicolas Levinton" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 00:13:05 +0100

>I am not sure to catch up with your sense of humor. What´s the point of
>making a joke when somebody is in trouble. Even if my problem might be
>simply ignorance, I think I deserve a little of respect

Nicolas, there was not a SHRED of humor meant in my reply. Count the blades
in the lens you are having a problem with and re-read my reply. Then,
apologize to me IN PUBLIC for your totally out of control comment.

No one deserves to be berated like that IN PUBLIC for sincerely trying to
help you. Your problem evidently IS ignorance.


- ----------

- ------------------   A   F E W   L A S T   W O R D S  
- ----------------------------------------------

Well. I think that all this has gone a little too far. 
I don´t think there´s a reason for all this agresiveness, but maybe there
wasn´t a reason for me doubting your help either. It looks like I
misunderstood your reply.
I have to tell you though, that my post, the one in which I doubt your
sense of humor, was intended for you privately, therefore I asumed that the
possibility of me being wrong in my interpretation, was a risk that we
could both handle and settle down through private e-mail. However, and to
my disapointment, I saw the message on the list. I had pressed "reply to
author" as if it was a newsgroup, but I think that in a mailing group it
goes to everyone.

SO IN CONCLUSION: It´s true that what was an affordable risk in private,
might have been changed the context, and your succeptibility when said in

For that, and not taking into account your agresive response, as I was the
one that settled the spark (thanks to the other people that took part
objectively throwing some light into all this), I APOLOGIZE IN PUBLIC, and
hope that we can all continue with what makes life richer in all aspects,
COMUNICATION,  and settling our misunderstandings( specially for those of
us non native-english-speakers) in private.

	Regards. Nicolas Levinton.