Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/11/29
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hi, I惴 a young documentary photographer, that comes of being born again. A few days ago, I sold my brand new Canon EOS-1n with some lenses, went to my usual photo store and bought the slightly used Leica M6 with a Summicron 50mm 2.0 that I had asked the owner so many times to take out of the glass cupboard to let me feel it all over my body and through every spot of my skin ;-) I can愒 describe right now how I feel, but if it helps you, I惴 broke. I have some technical questions which you might answer me. I took a first roll of T-Max 3200 in a first-aid demo (in a sort of classroom). There was some tungsten light and a very tiny window throwed some daylight inside. I shot always at 1/60s and around f4 exposing on dark areas like dark clothes and I developed for 8 minutes instead of the recommended 10.5. The negative was kind of grey. I惴 suspecting that the area that the guy of the shop told me was the measuring zone is not just the white square used for focusing. Could somebody confirm me this? I would also like to hear of experienced exposure/developing conbinations used with this film to contrast them with my experience. Which is the frame number that allows you to expose the first photo -2, -1 or 0? Can I rely on the frame counting accuracy for let愀 say expose a roll until frame 12, rewind it leaving a little piece out, and inserting it again at a later time, exposing it at 1/1000s f16 with the cap on the lens and continue at frame 13? For now that愀 it. I wanted mainly to introduce myself to the group and this little questions came out. Thanks. Nicolas Levinton.