Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/09/26

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Subject: Re: More newby questions
From: (Jason Tetzloff)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 02:13:26 -0600


First off, never apologize for asking questions,  I am betting that almost
everyone on this list has asked similar questions at least once in their

I think that your choices of lenses is pretty good, especially of you are
on a budget.  I would for sure avoid the Summar.  Interesting lens, but few
would trust it for any pictures that can't be readily retaken, especially
below 5.6-8.  Try and find a 35mm or 90mm Elmar over 600,000 to assure that
it is coated. Though I like my uncoated Elmars, coated ones are just easier
to use because they are less likely to flare.  Check your Sumitar for
separation and cleaning marks--it is prone to both.

As for finders, do not discount vintage Leitz finders like the VISOR or
VIDOM or the others whose code words slip my mind.  They work and they are
cheap.  Other of your colleagues on the list have recently suggested that
the Canon finders are also good, and often cheaper.  Single focal length
finders are nice, but often considerably more expensive.

I am heartened to see that someone is ignoring all of the bells and
whistles of the R* (you fill in the number) and starting out with screw
mount equipment to use, not collect.  They are quirky, often slow (OK,
slower) to use, but they are also fun.  Nothing is as satisfying as showing
a sparkling print taken with a 40+ year old camera that puts the prints of
the latest plastic widgetflex to shame, or is at least their equal.  Of
course you know, this first Leica is kind of like a free shot of
heroin--soon you will be hooked for life.

Jason M. Tetzloff
Dept. of History, Purdue University
1358 University Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1358