Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/09/23

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To: "'leica-users'" <>
Subject: Quality of M body internals (was Re: M4-2)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 11:17:00 EDT
Encoding: 24 TEXT

John Van Stelten wrote:

>I agree with Marc, the important parts of the camera such as the take-up
>rollers, the drum the brakes, the rangefinder and of course transport gears
>of same quality.  The top deck,baseplate and etc. are of lighter materials
>but I am  not that concerned with those items.


Can the M6 rangefinder image alignment be tweeked or is it one of those
"in spec or replace" issues I saw reference to in another post?  I had my
M6 to NJ for a tune-up and then returned under warranty due to a little
misalignment of the range and viewfinder images.  Could they feel that it's
within specification even though I can see it and have to modfiy my focusing 
technique (compared to "perfect" alignment)?


 - Kevin