Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/08/02

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To: Leica-users <>
Subject: M meters
From: Thomas Pindelski <>
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 96 07:19:00 PDT
Encoding: 57 TEXT

I've used/owned MC and MR meters.

I'm an MC fan - no battery needed and a 25 year life for the selenium cell 
if you treat it nicely. Disadvantages, compared to the MR are a wider field 
of measurement, especially in low light range, and the need for a clunky add 
on cell for the lowest light + speed dial non-synchronicity with this add 
on. Advantages are incident light attachments are available for both regular 
and add on cells, albeit not as well designed as that on, say, the Weston 
Master V.

The MR is a stop or two more sensitive and measures a field roughly 
equivalent to the 90mm lens - aim it with the viefinder frame. The last 
iteration, the MR4, comes with a smaller on-off switch to allow clearance 
for the M4/6 rewind crank.  Both lock the needle at the measured setting, 
which the MC does not. Both have a battery check switch - PX625/13 type.

Usual precautions apply to all models which are all getting long in the 
tooth - check against a meter of known reliability. Also realize that these 
will have slower response times than modern technologies - the CdS sell in 
the MR/MR4 is slow at low light levels, and overly sensitive to the red end 
of the spectrum (=underexposed reds). The MC is just slow.

An earlier meter, the M, had the old 50,100... speed range like the early 
two stroke M3 and a flap for the low lioght range.  Dating from the 
early-50s, these are now very old.

Selenium cells on the MC can be replaced - I was quoted $100 by Quality 
Lightmetric in Hollywood a few months ago, which hardly seems worthwhile.

All meters were manufactured by Gossen and, frankly, seem a bit on the 
flimsy side; use off the camera is tricky as the click stops conferred by 
the shutter speed dial are lost.

Cost?  MC - $50-75; MR - $150; MR4 - $175-200. MR4 black paint - >$200 
(blame the collectors). All for excellent condition examples.  Most end up 
abrading the top plate of your M camera, so stick some tape on it first to 
avoid this wear symptom.  They also stick up a bit losing some of the 
compactness of the camera.

Hope this helps,

From: owner-leica-users
To: leica-users
Subject: Meter for M4
Date: Thursday, August 01, 1996 11:24AM

What is a desirable meter for the M4? Is it the MC or MR?
What kinds of things should I look for when buying this

Thanks very much for any info.

 - Ihtisham

Replies: Reply from Stanley E Yoder <> (Re: M meters)