Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/07/16

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Subject: Japs, Brits, Yanks, Krauts, Les Bosch, Jerry, Ruski's,etc.
From: (ClaudeBatmanghelidj)
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 19:10:04 -0700

        Can you imagine my surprise, when I woke up this morning to find
someone's high horse chomping on the grass in my front yard.  I could have
sworn I saw the old mare galloping of into the Bavarian country side.
Well, it all started with someone (I can't even remember anymore, but this
is directed at those who did), taking umbrage against my "racist comment".
Well, I guess we can't all be perfect!  Stop it already with all this self
righteous criticism.  When I wrote Jap/German, (I can't remember the
context), I intended no racial slurring of the Japanese.  If I did, it
would be hard to explain why I own a truck load of very high quality
Japanese optical equipment, including, yes, a Mamiya 6.  It would also not
fit very well with being a Buddhist (member of Soka Gakkai, based in Japan)
since the age of 17.  So next time you take off your gloves pick a fight
worth fighting.  Imposing these Politically Correct constraints reflects
narrow mindedness.  You are seeing a conflict that simply is not there.

        My feelings towards the Japanese are far more subtle.  Saying
"Jap", to me is much like calling my English friends "Brits".  And before
you get on your high horse about that, let me tell you that I grew up in
England, and spent 13 years of my life there, so I am practically a Brit
myself.  I am also half Iranian, but because I look European, I constantly
hear my country men refferd to as "Towl heads", "Camel Jockeys", and "Sand
Niggers".  That hurts, because it is intended to belittle, and insult.
"Jap" is merely an abreviation.  I am also bilingual.  I have a degree in
French and English Literature.  Growing up in London, my friends called the
French "Frogs", jokingly.  I would chide them for their prejudice, but it
was all in good fun.

        It strikes me as particularly provincial and American to be so PC.
All this talk about not using names to describe people of a different race
is just so much hipocracy, unless you are actively challenging the growing
racial intolerance, both in the U.S., and in our treatment of other
countries.  I think attacking me for an inocuous comment such as I made, is
just being self righteous, and trying to make yorself look good without
really doing anything.  In other words if you are so upset by my small
comment, then you better really go after the Church burners, the Pete
Wilsons, and the Jesse Helmses.  But then you're perfect, not an ounce of
prejudice in your body, is there?  Remember, "let him who is without sin,
cast the first stone."  Until then do everyone a favor and shut up.

Sincerely,                    Claude (pure frog) Batmanghelidj(good 100%
towlhead) .

Replies: Reply from Gary J Toop <> (Re: Japs, Brits, Yanks, Krauts, Les Bosch, Jerry, Ruski's,etc.)