Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/05/08

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Subject: Re: lab problems.
From: Gary J Toop <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 13:16:49 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 8 May 1996, Edward Meyers wrote:

> Since Monsieur Cartier-Bresson didn't and doesn't process his own
> films and doesn't make his own prints, I'd say that he won't tell
> you. The guy who used to do it is Pierre Gassman of Pictorial labs
> in Paris. Perhaps the son of Pierre will talk. But perhaps not.
> Ed Meyers

	I am aware that HCB did not do his own dark-room work, but from 
the interviews with him that I have read, it is clear that he did pay 
attention to the processing that was used and certainly knew enough to  
instruct his printer as to the kind of prints that he wanted.  Hating 
dark-room work and being ignorant of the way in which it is done are two 
very different things and while the former probably will not prevent one 
from taking good B&W pictures, that latter certainly can.  His work 
certainly bears this out:  he clearly sought for and acheived a very 
specific kind of `look' to his photographs over the course of many years, 
many cameras and many different materials.  I have read interviews with 
him in which he speaks of the films that he uses and the techniques used 
in the darkroom on his behalf and he certainly sounds knowledgable 
	I posted my question because I have never heard any detailed 
account of the various processes used or the philosophy behind them:  
such may never have been published, but I am pretty sure that HCB 
himself as well as his printer could go a long way to provide such an 


In reply to: Message from Edward Meyers <> (Re: lab problems.)