Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/04/19

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Subject: Re: M6 metering
From: Edward Meyers <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 18:52:14 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Sweendog wrote:

> Hi group,
> I've got a quick question on the M6 (I'm thinking of buying one and
> gettin rid of my M3). With the metering and the recent discussion over
> the zone system, how would you apply that to the M6? I guess what I'm
> asking is how do you know what area is being metered & with what
> different lenses, since true zone system-ing requires a spot meter.
> Appreciate the understanding,
> Mike Sweeney
> ***************************************************************
>                           Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
>      Mike Sweeney         I took the one less traveled by,
>    And that has made all the difference.
>                                                  - Robert Frost
Hold on to your M3 and get a spot meter. You'll save money and
retain the finest Leica ever made. And then the M6 doesn't have
spot metering like my CL and Leica M5, which work well with the
Zonal pleasure. The M6 ain't an M5, and it will never be.
Ed Meyers

In reply to: Message from Sweendog <sweenma@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> (M6 metering)