Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/04/18

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Subject: Re: Phillistines who own Leicas
From: (Roger L. Beamon)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 14:48:57 -0700 (MST)

>>  Said that his opinion of pictures turned out by Leica owners,
>> on balance, were below that of others
>Talk about the ultimate sour grapes argument. In this case he's
>revealing more about himself than Leica users.

No, not really, Eric. This chap sees a ton of images in his work and has no
vested interest, one way or the other. His point was simply that anyone can
own Leica if they have the geld, but the owning alone does not good images

It's kind of like private pilots. Many physicians and other professionals
will no more than get their private ticket, and they rush out and buy a
Bonanza. It's expensive and sexy and they can afford it. They aren't,
however, yet capable of coping with its idiosyncrasies and an inordinate
number of them "buy the farm" in such aircraft. Most mortals learn their
craft in the gentler, more forgiving aircraft and save their money for a
long time to finally transition to the Bonanza after time and hours have
honed their skills. 

A Leica in a tyro's hands will do little better than a pinhole camera in the
hands of an accomplished photographer.
       Roger Beamon,  Natural History Interpreter & Photographer
                                 Docent: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Replies: Reply from Eric Welch <> (Re: Phillistines who own Leicas)